I signed up for two finishing classes that were taught by Vonna Pfeiffer.....also known as The Twisted Stitcher. The patterns for the two classes were emailed to class participants several weeks prior to the retreat so that all stitching could be completed ahead of time. The first class project was a Christmas ornament finishing class. Here is a photo of the finished project......
Stitching is done.....now I need to work on the finishing part....which should be a breeze after the retreat class that I took!
Happy Hearts by Little House Needleworks
And back....
In the second class, the finishing technique that we learned was flat-fold. This type of finishing allows a piece to be displayed standing up. Take a look
Flag Maker by Notforgotten Farm
In addition to taking these two classes, there was lots of time for stitching on WIPs and/or new projects. Many tables were set up in the stitching room.
There were also patterns and stitching supplies for sale.....just in case us stitchers needed more stash (never enough stash!).
Here is where I sat (that's me in the blue with my back to the camera....smart!) along with my 5 table mates. Looks like fun, doesn't it.
Here's what we look like without needle, thread, and fabric in our hands.
From left: Carol (my SIL), me, Joyce, Pat , Claire, and Liz
The six of us had a fun time stitching and getting to know each other. You do realize that stitchers are some of the friendliest people around. 😋
Here is a project that I started stitching at retreat.This is Black Capped Chickdee from Heartstring Samplery's The Bird Collection, Part III.
I have since finished the above project and will be posting photos in an upcoming blog post. In addition to working on this, I brought along this WIP Christmas ornament by Little By Little Design Company from an old Just Cross-Stitch annual ornament issue. As you can see, it is no longer a WIP!

The retreat was lots of fun. We stitched, ate, stitched some more, and visited the Fancy Works shop for "souvenirs".
Over the past year or two, my stitching has been somewhat sporadic. However, my interest has been renewed after attending the retreat. Guess it was "just what I needed"! The Fancy Works folks put on a great retreat. All participants came home with lots of goodies! Plans are being made for a 2018 retreat and I'm looking forward to attending! Wanna go with me?