Sunday, September 15, 2019

Needlework Galleria + A Giveaway

On Thursday I’ll be heading to the Needlework Galleria being held in St. Charles, MO.  It is more of a “working” trip than a “shopping for stitch stash” trip.  My friend, Beth Twist of Heartstring Samplery, is an Exhibitor at Galleria so I will be helping her.  I may be able to work in a little bit of shopping. 😋  It has been several years since I last attended Needlework Galleria so I’m looking forward to the trip.

Guess what I finally found???  The “lost” Little House Needleworks pattern that I had planned to give away last week.  I knew that it would eventually show up if I kept looking for it; and it did!

I won this pattern in a giveaway that Vickie at A Stitcher’s Story had earlier this year.  I got it stitched quick so I could display it for the 4th of July.  Here is my finish.

If you would like to win this pattern, you need to be a blog follower and leave a comment telling me if you have ever attended Needlework Galleria.  I will do a random draw next Sunday, Sept 22 to pick a winner.  

If you are going to Needlework Galleria this week, be sure to drop by the Heartstring Samplery room to tell me “hi” and to see all the pretties that Beth will be selling.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Now where did I put that pattern.....

I had planned to giveaway another pattern today........if only I could figure out what I did with it! 🤪🤪🤪

Stay tuned.  I’ll post about the giveaway as soon as I locate the pattern. #itsgottabeheresomewhere

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Winter chart winner

I had 4 comments to my last post but 2 of the 4 did not wish to add to their stash.  😮😮😮😮😮 What?😮😮😮😮😮 I need their willpower.

So, I let tell me if Meg (#1) or Southpaw Stitcher (#2) was the winner.  Here is the results.....

Congrats to Southpaw Stitcher.  I will be emailing you shortly.

Keep an eye out for another giveaway later this week.  I have a Little House Needleworks chart to give away.  I was the winning recipient of it from a blog giveaway earlier this year.  It was a fairly quick stitch so I am ready to pass the chart on to someone else.  More details in a few days.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A quick post, a quick finish, and a giveaway!

I have finally figured out that if I want to keep current on this blog I am just going to have to do quick posts instead of a lengthy missive!  So, here goes.

I have had this Trail Creek Farm freebie pattern for years.  I’ve been weeding through my patterns and getting rid of those that I know I will never stitch.  When I came across this pattern, I decided that it looked like a really quick stitch so I threw it on top of my “to stitch” pile.  I started it yesterday using 32 count French Lace linen and the called for GAST threads.

I finished stitching this afternoon.  I knew that I had NO intentions of trying to make the star-shaped pillow as shown on the pattern.  I looked for a small square frame in my frame stash but didn’t have anything small enough.  Then the lightbulb came on! 💡 I remembered that I had bought a small tin ornament frame years ago at a stitch retreat.  Perfect!!!

Now for the giveaway.  If you are interested in the Trail Creek Farm Winter pattern, leave me a comment telling me what your favorite season of the year is.  You also need to be a follower of my blog.  I will let the Random Number Generator pick a winner on Sunday, September 8.......which just happens to be my mom’s 94th birthday! 😊😊