Thursday, November 14, 2019

My stash from September’s Needlework Galleria

Here are some photos of the stash that I brought home with me from the Needlework Galleria that was held in St. Charles, MO in September.  See anything you like???

Edgar Scissorbird was being sold at the Lindy Stitches shop.  He is handcrafted in Indiana from Ash and Cherry wood.  He helps keep my scissors handy.

 An empty bag that says Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Company. did contain some dark chocolate malted milk balls (my fave!) and a truffle.  

 A cute tea ball ornament kit from Heartstring Samplery

 A really cute pattern from Luminous Fiber Arts.  Buggies wanted to help model this pattern since it has a bird theme.  Buggies loves birds.

 Assorted colors of mini PomPom trim and a pretty piece of 36 count linen from Dames of the Needle/From the Cauldron

A really cute project bag from the Heartstring Samplery shop. (Beth’s mother made this one. ❤️)

And lots of pretties from Heartstring Samplery

 A frog zipper pull for my project bag. (bit of trivia.....I’m terrified of real frogs but have a small collection of not-so-real ones)

A pretty pair of scissors from the Heartstring Samplery shop.

Stickers & postcards from Heartstring Samplery......just what this snail mail nerd needs. 

 And lastly, a freebie pattern and stitch info Sticker Plates from Lindy Stitches

I think I brought home a nice haul.  I sure don’t want my stash to get depleted. (Insert lots of canned laughter here.) 😂😂😂😂😂😂

I have been weeding through my stash.  I’ve listed several patterns that I’m getting rid of on the Patterns For Sale page.  Take a look to see if there is anything you need.  Prices do include postage and if you want several things,  I’ll combine postage to save you some 💲💲💲.  Don’t like the prices, then make me an offer.  Just leave a comment on the Sale page if you are interested in anything.

I also FFO’d a couple of things today but am going to save that for another post.


  1. Donna: I am jealous of all your wonderful new stash, that scissor holder is amazing.


  2. Enjoyed seeing your new stash acquisitions! Some of those came to live at my house via Beth's Etsy shop! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. What a great bunch of goodies you came away with, Donna! I bet that is quite an experience to attend an event like that! I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to begin with so many things tempting me :) Enjoy and I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving Day!
